Technical Steering Committee

The Technical Steering Committee (TSC) consists of up to 6 members who are responsible for technical oversight of FRRouting, at maximum 2 members can be from the same company. TSC members are listed by name, along with existing and prior maintainers, in the MAINTAINERS document accompanying FRRouting source and posted on the FRRouting website. TSC members may coexist with any other role in the FRRouting.

The TSC members are elected for 1 year terms, without any term limit, by the currently active Maintainers each October or with a special election held when a TSC member either steps down or loses their TSC status. The election is conducted as a multi-winner Single Transferable Vote; a vote administrator is nominated by motion and approved by the TSC.

TSC holds public meetings as requested by the maintainers via a commonly available video conferencing system that allows for voice only participation. A quorum requires at least ½ of the TSC members in attendance; TSC members may cast absentee votes by email if they are unable to attend.

FRRouting motions are initiated in the regularly scheduled Maintainers meetings and posted on the development mailing list for public comment. When there is an outstanding motion, a TSC meeting is held at the next Maintainers meeting with at least 6 days notice. TSC members vote on each motion; valid votes are for, against, and recuse. TSC members who are not able to attend and do not vote by absentee email are recused from all motions. Decisions pass unless at least ½ of the non-recused TSC votes against the motion. A list of all motions and their outcome are posted to the development mailing list.

TSC members may abdicate their status, lose it due to inactivity, or lose it due to violation of trust. Inactivity is defined as not attending the majority of TSC meetings over a trailing 6 month period or failing to vote on motions over a trailing 6 month period. In these cases, the TSC member’s status is immediately lost, and notification is made to the mailing list. Violation of trust is based on a motion from the community at large. When such a motion is made; the TSC member in question is allowed to make their case on the mailing list as well as during the TSC meeting at which the motion is put to vote. Status removal for violation of trust requires ⅔ of existing TSC members to vote in favor of the loss of status.


Maintainers are responsible for evaluating and commenting on patch submissions in a timely fashion and driving the community to agreed upon release timeframes and quality metrics. They have git commit access and are expected to wield it appropriately. Simple bug fixes are to be moved through system quickly. Potentially controversial changes must be discussed for an adequate time period on the development mailing list and vetted with other Maintainers prior to inclusion or rejection. If controversy still exists, the issue must be discussed at the next TSC meeting. The minutes of this meeting must be shared with the community.

Maintainers have regularly scheduled open, public meetings held via a commonly available video conferencing system that allows for voice only participation. The schedule for these meeting must be published to the mailing list with at least 72 hour notice.

Maintainers typically arise from FRRouting Contributors and are nominated by motion to the TSC. The community is encouraged to actively voice support of a nomination if they believe it is warranted. The TSC votes on Maintainers as per all other motions and is encouraged to follow the direction of the community when strong support is present.

Maintainers may abdicate their status or lose it due to failure to act in the Maintainer role as defined by the TSC. Removal in the latter case is proposed by a motion from the community at large. In this situation, the Maintainer is allowed to make their case on the mailing list as well as during the TSC meeting at which the motion is put to vote.


Contributors present code for inclusion in FRRouting, participate in design review of submitted code, actively test FRRouting, or participates in FRRouting in any other way. They may be given access to git and/or other tools as required to participate.


Modifications to this charter may be proposed by the community at large and are passed when ⅔ of existing TSC members vote for the amendment.